Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Dark Forest of the Internet

I feel this a lot. In short: the author (and many formerly-very-internetty people) are withdrawing from large swaths of the internet because those swaths are like being a gazelle out on the savannah: it's not safe and everyone is gunning for you.

In contrast, "dark forests" are "spaces where depressurized conversation is possible because of their non-indexed, non-optimized, and non-gamified environments."

I was going to say more but I realized after walking away from this for a while that all I was going to do is just say what the author was saying, but less polishedly. So, maybe I'll just say read that article instead.

Personally, I'm certainly doing this - much less interested in The Internet At Large, much more interested in small dark forests within the internet.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Continuing the series of "Dan notices more what's going on in his mind"

There's a low level hum in the background, basically always, telling me why I'm a Bad Person. Sometimes it's "remember that time in high school where you said that dumb thing" or "you yelled at a car person unnecessarily yesterday" or "global warming is happening and you're still flying 20,000 miles every year, you selfish ass" or whatever. Sometimes it's just a kinda bad feeling without much content around it.

I always used to think that this was because I was judgmental towards other people. Like, I won't tolerate it if someone parks in the bike lane for 5 seconds; I think their car should be immediately impounded and their license revoked, and when they get to the Pearly Gates, St Peter sends them to Purgatory for an extra 1000 years. Therefore, if I commit a traffic violation that's approximately that bad, that shows that I am an equally awful person, in the grand scheme of things, and a hypocrite to boot. I judge other people, and then because of that I also judge myself.

But I had an interesting conversation today where someone suggested maybe it was the other way around. Like, I judge myself, and then because of that I also judge other people.

This has some interesting implications for how to address it. I kinda always thought "I better be nicer to other people, and eventually if I send enough love out into the universe, it might reach that judgmental voice in myself too." But maybe instead I ought to just start by being nicer to myself.

Monday, June 10, 2019

"Logical Mind"

(Mannn I wish I had a better title for this. The point of it, though, is that I'm trying to define an internal concept, so I guess of course naming is hard.)

There are a lot of voices in anyone's head. (talking non-schizophrenic, not-actual-voices "voices" here.) This is obvious when you do something as simple as decide whether to eat a cake: "I want to eat it, but I also don't want to feel too full later or gain weight." There's a real powerful voice that gets a lot of airtime in my head. Let's call it "logical mind" for now (though I might actually just mean "ego" or Kahneman's "System 2", not sure).

Here are some characteristics of Logical Mind:
- it's always looking for problems to solve, and solving them.
- it loves quick answers; it's not patient. 
- it really dislikes things it can't solve.
- it loves saying no and reducing things to a size it can think about
- it loves not having to think about things.
- it's defensive, and hates possibly being wrong.
- it's judgmental and snobby.

(These might not be totally independent vectors. Probably if you dimensionality-reduced it, you'd end up with 3 main dimensions: 1. knowing what you can do with computers, but 2. not having much RAM or processing power; 3. hating being wrong.)

Logical Mind seems like a fine tool to have, a fine voice. But it's troublesome when it runs the whole show all the time. Here are some times it is troublesome:
1. when I don't have anything to do on a weekend, so I just clean stuff up for a while, and then invent more problems to "solve", and then end up mad that I wasted a whole day doing nothing
2. when I have a big mood, but I can't figure it out, so I just distract myself for a while; meanwhile the emotion sits there unprocessed and still messing with me
3. when I notice someone's (perhaps my own!) complex emotional issue, and decide "I know the answer, it's simple, so I should not bother being compassionate with them."
4. when I don't have a super well-formed opinion on something, so I default to "it's bad" to protect myself from being wrong.
5. when I start trying to learn something, find it difficult, and then quit, because in theory it should be way easier.
6. when I think about doing a potentially-fun thing that requires some work to do, and I decide, well... fun thing requires maybe -10 amount of work, and somewhere between I dunno +0 and +30 amount of fun, that's too hard to evaluate, I will not do it.
7. when I'm on vacation or something and I can't just sit still and stop trying to find or solve problems.
8. when I've got some mild discomfort, but I have to fix it, I can't just let it be.
9. when I am debating something that I've already figured out, and I can't tolerate the complexity of the debate because I am Right, dammit
10. when someone does something wrong, and I think "this absolute horrible human, how could they possibly have gotten it wrong, it is so obvious and unquestionable that I am right here."

It is hard to listen to Logical Mind all the time, mostly because it continually points out what is wrong, and therefore focuses you on it. When Logical Mind is in charge, there isn't even a concept of "enjoyment" or "meaning" or "wonder" or "joy", there's just "things are broken and I feel bad" or "nothing seems to be broken right now so I don't feel so bad." It would be nice, I think, if Logical Mind were a bit player I could pull out when I wanted, instead of the captain who's usually steering the ship. So, that is a thing I'm trying to work on.

edit: this very appropriate comic just happened to come up today