Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Whoo hah!

This is great!

Sound Transit Prop. 1 passed, meaning light rail is coming to Seattle!
The levies for upkeep of Pike Place Market and parks both passed.
The HOV lanes nonsense failed.
Governor Gregoire is projected to win over Rossi (still too close to officially call, though.)
Still pulling for Randy Dorn and Peter Goldmark, two minor state officials who were notably better for their spots than their opponents, but their races are very close with about half the votes in.
Dems picked up seats in the House and Senate. (I guess that's good?)

Oh. And, uh, That One.

I will say I'm super excited about all this, and then I will not talk about politics for like a year. But man, I'm super excited about all this!

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